J3 Private Hong Kong Experiences | Cultural Tourism

Discover Hong Kong with Jamie

Private Hong Kong Experiences

Discover Hong Kong With Jamie

Private Tours of Hong Kong

2,324 completed Tours of Hong Kong

A Unique Talking Tour of Hong Kong

Victoria Peak (The Peak) Hong Kong - The greatest city view in the world and virtually every visitor that comes to Hong Kong misses out on this amazing view! They are given bad advice or are taken to the wrong place - I have been to this spot at the Peak over 6,000 times since 1972 - it is stunning. This is one of my images, I am a bit of a photographer and have a very, very nice camera!

Victoria Peak (The Peak) Hong Kong - The greatest city view in the world | The glorious night time view

J3 Group Hong Kong | J3 Consultants Hong Kong | J3 Private Tours Hong Kong

J3 Private Hong Kong Experiences

A Unique Mainly Talking Tour of Hong Kong

A new way to discover Hong Kong - Pearl of the Orient

Learn about the unbiased, real Hong Kong | forget what you read in the press!

Your host Jamie, English and 52 years living in Hong Kong and I know the place. I personally completed 2,324 private tours in Hong Kong (6,000+ guests) from April 2011 - January 2020 and was considered one of the finest Private Tour Guides in Asia

J3 Private Hong Kong Experiences

You want to learn about the REAL Hong Kong from a local host

How local do you want to get?

You have come to the right place.

Jamie, your friend in Hong Kong

52 years living in Hong Kong, our family arrived on January 2nd 1972

I have lived here for 25 years under British Rule, 27 years under Chinese Rule

I have 45 years of Business Consultancy experience in Hong Kong

My wife is a local & has lived her entire life in Hong Kong, her first language is Cantonese

We have 3 Adult sons all born and educated in Hong Kong, 2 still live in Hong Kong

I pioneered the Private Tour Industry in Hong Kong in 2010

2,324 completed award winning Private Tours of Hong Kong from 2011 - 2020

……and yes, I am a bit of an expert on the Hong Kong car culture!

Probably the 2nd best image I have taken, the simply magnificent view from Jamie’s spot at Victoria Peak in Hong Kong - Hong Kong, Pearl of the Orient This is one of my images, I am a bit of a photographer and have a very, very nice camera!t

J3 Private Hong Kong Experience

A new way to discover Hong Kong

J3 Private Hong Kong Experiences

A Mainly Talking Tour

Introducing the J3 Private Hong Kong Experience an alternative to a Private Tour of Hong Kong and a unique and innovative way to really understand what makes Hong Kong tick. Forget the biased media reports and immerse yourself in the unfiltered reality of Hong Kong, I am by nature a Yorkshireman, blunt!

I was born in Middlesbrough, England and I have lived in Hong Kong for 52 years, raising 3 boys (all born and educated in Hong Kong) with my local wife and witnessing first hand the ongoing & difficult change from British Rule to Chinese Rule. ….. and being English and a native English speaker we should have no communication issues! and I have a very well developed sense of humour!

I offer a truly authentic experience exploring first hand the real essence of Hong Kong.

So we are clear the J3 Private Hong Kong Experience is a unique opportunity tailored for those who prefer to explore Hong Kong independently but would like a 3 hour introduction to Hong Kong

Hong Kong | Pearl of the Orient

My Private Experiences will launch on September 1st 2024

Choose from 9 Experiences - Questions? please contact me for a prompt response please send me an email or use my simple contact form - click the Contact J3 button

J3 Consultants Hong Kong | Price List for Private Experiences | Price in US$

Experience Fee US$ 1 Person 2 People 3 People 4 People
3 Hour Maximum Daytime Hong Kong Experience $300 $370 $440 $510
3 hour Maximum Night Time Hong Kong Experience $300 $370 $440 $510
5 Hours Day Visit Lantau Island Big Buddha Experience $440 $510 $580 $650

J3 Private Hong Kong Experiences

Payment in cash when we meet in US$ or HK$

This is the TOTAL COST

Who I welcome to participate | Individuals, Couples, Families, Cruise Ship Passengers, Business People, Conference Attendees, Student Study Groups, in fact any small group of up to a maximum of 4 people is more than welcome!

Ideally no more than 4 people

There is a very tight-knit group of Private Tour Guides in Hong Kong who share valuable insights and knowledge on a daily basis. I am proud to be a founding member of this dedicated group of professionals, which has been committed to delivering exceptional experiences for their guests for over a decade.

It's important to note that I personally have never relied on prepared scripts in my work. Renowned as a master storyteller, my approach sets me apart from what I commonly refer to as "hired local guides" prevalent in Hong Kong. These guides, usually quite young and bound by scripted itineraries, often lack the depth of knowledge and passion for storytelling. In stark contrast, I pioneered private tours in Hong Kong, entering the scene in 2011 after a thorough year long research phase that began in 2010. I remain up to date on all the great tour operators, distinguishing between the exceptional, the mediocre, and the downright poor.

You should also be aware that all the big online tour operators (Viator | Get Your Guide | Booking.com | Expedia | With Locals | Klook and the like) now use AI - Chat GPT to write all the tour descriptions | content in perfect English and frankly the reality is, the local guide may or may not be fluent in English which may (or may not) affect your experience.

For those considering booking a tour in Hong Kong, I emphatically recommend opting for a private tour. Ideally, seek out a private tour led by the owner of the company, typically a long-term resident of Hong Kong and who simply love telling the Hong Kong story.

One of my most endearing qualities (so I have been told!) is that I say it as I see it, I do not shy away from difficult subjects and after living here continuously for 25 years under British rule and 27 years under Chinese rule (for a total of 52 years) I have rather a unique perspective on what makes Hong Kong tick - my wife is local and we have 3 grown up son‛s all of them born and educated in Hong Kong, two of them still live in Hong Kong whilst our oldest son lives in London, UK.

Hong Kong remains unique despite what you might see | read in the news and after a few hours talking with me I believe you will come away with a much better understanding of one of the World’s great cities, yes, Hong Kong - Pearl of the Orient

I was one of the most highly rated private tour guides in Asia having completed 2,324 private tours in Hong Kong between April 2011 - January 2020 | serving 6,000 + guests and having lived here for 52 years I know the place, I am a real Hong Kong expert.

Tourism was essentially suspended in Hong Kong for 3 years from February 2020 to February 2023 due to the Covid Pandemic and it gave me plenty of time to come up with a new concept to offer to visitors coming Hong Kong who want to learn more about this fabulous city!

Possible scenario‛s for visitors coming to learn about Hong Kong include :-

• option 1 - visitors do NOT want to take a paid tour of any kind and would prefer to explore on their own and research information on the net or use a guide book

• option 2 - they are happy to book a so called “free tour” and along with 20+ people listen to a scripted commentary from a bored and underpaid freelance guide through headphones

• option 3 - book a coach tour at the Hotel Tour Desk in the lobby and watch the world go by along with 30 other people and do the mandatory stop at a jewellery factory under the guise of it being a cultural experience and if you are really lucky have your photograph taken and transferred to a plate! (I kid you not)

• option 4 - book a paid tour from any number of tour companies who use for the most part hired | freelance guides

• option 5 - book a paid private tour where the tour is given by the owner | operator and who ( in general ) is a long term Hong Kong resident so quality is assured and yes I am friends with all the best ones!

I was a pioneer of Hong Kong Private Tours, starting in late 2010 when tour options were limited to booking a tour at the Hotel Tour Desk and being ferried around Hong Kong on a bus with 30 other people, I know the industry, I know the players and what is on offer and my own tour history speaks for itself.

If you navigate around my site J3 Private Tours Hong Kong (and please do) you will learn all about me and what I did from 2011 - 2020 in terms of private tours, I am considered a Hong Kong Expert and I pretty much keep current, luckily I am still able to do my photography and if you click on the menu link J3 Images you will see my 160,000+ Hong Kong images.

Some of my awesome guests in the Tai O Fishing Village in Hong Kong

and below is just a partial list of my private tour guests and their rather diverse occupations, I did 2,324 private tours of Hong Kong in just 9 years with almost 60% of them being 6 - 8 hours long.

.......and I have done private tours with people who have the following diverse occupations:-  A REAL Princess, Very close relatives of a US President!, One Star Admiral of the US 7th Fleet, Nuclear Missile Operations Officer (Missileer) for the USAF, Plumbers, Postman, Supplier of ALL frozen burger pattie’s to McDonalds, Nuclear Sub Commanders, Farmers, Chip Shop Owner, Teachers, Pulitzer Prize Award Winning Journalists, Photocopier Repair Guys, Lawyers, Rocket Scientists, Movie Producers, Consul Generals, Police Officers, Homicide Detectives, Travel Agents, House Keepers, Linguists, Retired and Serving CIA Officers, Fighter Pilots, Army and Navy Guys, Socialites, Students, Judges, Journalists, Software Geeks, Nuclear Power Plant Inspectors, Surgeons, Doctors, Forensic Pathologists, Nurses, Coroners, Venture Capitalists, Hospice Directors, Town Planners, Accountants, Psychiatrists, Nuclear Physicists, Professional Athletes, Ferry Captains, Commercial Pilots, Airline Crew, Social Workers, Veterinarians, Musicians, Theme Park Executives, Professional Photographers, College Professors, Gaming Geeks, Inland Revenue Tax Officials, American Airforce B 52 Bomber Pilot, Senior Engineer / Ballistic Missiles, Bodyguards, Beer Salesmen, Park Rangers, Scuba Diving Instructors, Popcorn Machines Makers, Coastguard Officers, Firemen, Structural Geologists, Veterinarians, Architects, Surveyors, Hooters Waitress, Dentists, Ski Instructors, Civil Engineers, Air Traffic Controllers, Electricians, Top Law Professor's at major US Universities, Librarians, Steel Guys, Economists, Homemakers, Novelists, Book Publishers, Currency Traders, Carpenters, a Rabbi, Boiler Maker, Strawberry Farmers, Food Bloggers, Morticians, Financial Advisers, Corporate Video Makers, Private Investigators, Bounty Hunters, Chiropractors, Air Traffic Controllers, Builders, Stonemasons, Botanists, Dog Sitters, Spy, Geneticists, Interpol Agents, Prison Food Suppliers, Radio Announcers, Military Cryptologists, Forklift Drivers, Locksmiths, Icecream maker, Pastry Chef, Baker, Zoo Keepers, Explosives Experts, DEA Agents, Coffee Traders, Diamond Buyers, Wedding Photographers, Google Guru's, Geologists, Professor of Medieval History, Navy Chef's, Camp Site Operators, Animal Embalmers, Telecomms Engineers, Helicopter Pilots, Oil Industry Divers, Navy Seals, Editor for USA Today, Landscape Gardeners, Mary Kay Super Agents, Hotel Owners, TV Actors, Optometrists, Gourmet Chef's, Acclaimed Plastic Surgeons, Barristers, Travel Bloggers, Politicians, Funeral Home Directors, Former Gang Member, Anthropologist, Children's Book Author,  Geophysicist, Chicken Artist, Priest, Movie Makeup Artist, Expert Witness, Bail Bondsman, Opera Singer, Master Brewer, Child Prodigy, Debt Collector, Victoria Secrets Store Manager, Head of a major Charity, Celebrity TV Talking Heads (!), Fortune 500 CEO's, Corporate Trainer, Futures Trader, Waitress (quite a few) General Manager of a Worm Bait Company, Owner of a RV Dealership, Convenience Store Owner, Owner of an Amusement Game Manufacturer, Elephant Conservationists, Chemist, High School Students, Crematorium Operator, Concert Pianist, Vet from Honduras, Hair Stylist for a Funeral Home, Calendar Maker, Pedicab Operator, Poets, F16 Fighter Pilot USAF, Steve Jobs Doctor, Major US Democratic Politician, Big cheese Executives from HBO and CBS, Famous journalist and a Journalism Professor, former Secret Service Agent, Famous Rare Coin and Stamp Collector, Major Charitable Foundation Owner ... and some really, really senior people from J. P. Morgan, Starbucks, United Airlines, Boeing, Google and Microsoft.

One of my favourite images that I have taken, the planets really aligned for this one! Victoria Harbour looking across to Hong Kong Island from Kowloon This is one of my images, I am a bit of a photographer and have a very, very nice camera!

My favourite car image that I have taken (out of over 101,000 + car images), the US$3 Million Pagani Zonda Absolute, the stuff of dreams! This is one of my images, I am a bit of a photographer and have a very, very nice camera!

My Instagram Feed