The J3 Private Hong Kong Experience

Discover the Real Hong Kong with Jamie

Me Jamie, English and 52 years living in Hong Kong and I know the know the place - I personally completed 2,324 Private Tours (6,000+ guests) from 2011 - 2020 and was considered one of the finest Private Tour Guides in Asia.

A blog post with a difference - Please do visit Hong Kong in 2024 | Travel, Tourism, Tours, Tips, Daily Life and my personal thoughts on Hong Kong - Pearl of the Orient

So what is ThE J3 Private Hong Kong Experience exactly?

In a nutshell you hire me for 2 or 3 hours, we can meet at your Hotel or a mutually agreed location in the morning, afternoon or evening and we talk about Hong Kong, I will answer all your questions (no matter what the subject) and give advice on what you should be doing in Hong Kong during your stay

Please note that I do not work to a prepared script, I have been called a master storyteller, unfortunately in Hong Kong many Tour Guides are hired and are generally underpaid and work to a prepared script and quality is flaky to say the list - I am pioneer of Private Tours in Hong Kong and remain up to date on all the players.

If you plan to book a tour in Hong Kong you should book a private tour and if possible have the tour led by the company owner who in general tends to be a long term Hong Kong resident and who simply love telling the Hong Kong story.

One of my most endearing qualities (so I have been told!) is that I say it as I see it, I do not shy away from difficult subjects and after living here for 25 years under British rule and 26 years under Chinese rule I have rather a unique perspective on what makes Hong Kong tick - my wife is local and we have 3 grown up son‛s all of them born and bred in Hong Kong

Hong Kong remains unique despite what you might see | read in the news and after a few hours talking with me I believe you will come away with a much better understanding of one of the Worlds great cities.

If you go to the menu links for this site and click on J3 Private Tours you can learn all about my experience as a top notch private tour guide.

One of the best images I have ever taken - the simply amazing view from Victoria Peak Hong Kong

© Jamie Lloyd | J3 Consultants Hong Kong | J3 Private Tours Hong Kong | | 2011 - 2023.

All rights reserved.

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Current images from my Instagram feed


Discover Hong Kong with Jamie


The most expensive car licence plates in Hong Kong